Definition of Germs
Germs are tiny organisms that can cause illness and infection in humans. These microscopic organisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. While some germs are beneficial to our health, others can be detrimental if not adequately managed.
Common Places Germs Are Found
Germs can be found almost everywhere, but they are particularly prevalent in office environments. From shared desks and keyboards to telephones and refrigerator handles, germs have plenty of places to hide in the office. Studies have shown that the average keyboard has over 3,000 germs per square inch while telephones have more than 25,000 germs per square inch!
Impact of Germs on Health
The spread of germs in the office environment can lead to a variety of illnesses and infections such as colds, flu, and even food poisoning from improper food storage practices. It is important to maintain proper hygiene in the office to prevent the spread of illnesses and germs. Professional janitorial and office maintenance services can help ensure that your office remains clean and hygienic. At Lutes Property Services we offer comprehensive janitorial services as part of our suite of commercial-building solutions to keep your workspace healthy and safe for employees and customers alike!

Top 3 Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Office
Germs and bacteria can quickly spread in the office environment, making it important to maintain proper hygiene in order to prevent the spread of illnesses and germs. The following are some of the top places where germs are likely to be hiding in your office:
Keyboard and Mouse
The average keyboard is said to have over 3,000 germs per square inch, making it one of the dirtiest objects in any office. Because people use their hands to type on keyboards and use mice, they can easily transfer bacteria and germs from their hands onto these devices. It is important to regularly clean keyboards and mice with disinfectant wipes or sprays in order to prevent the spread of germs.
Office Telephones
office telephones are another common place for germs to hide due to their frequent use by multiple people throughout the day. Studies have shown that telephones can contain up to 25,000 germs per square inch, making them a prime breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Disinfecting phones regularly will help reduce the risk of spreading illness-causing germs throughout an office space.
Refrigerator Handle
The refrigerator handle is often overlooked when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in an office environment, but it can be one of the most germ-ridden places in an office due to its frequent use by multiple people throughout the day. It is important to regularly wipe down refrigerator handles with a disinfectant solution or spray in order to reduce the risk of spreading germs between co-workers.
By understanding which areas of an office are prone to harboring more germs than others, businesses can take proactive steps towards reducing the spread of illness-causing bacteria and viruses among employees. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as keyboards, mice, telephones, and refrigerator handles is key for maintaining a healthy workplace environment for all employees.
Regularly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as keyboards, mice, telephones, and refrigerator handles is key for maintaining a healthy workplace environment. Interesting Average keyboard has over 3,000 germs per square inch; Telephones can contain up to 25,000 germs per square inch.
Preventing the Spread of Germs in the Office
The recent study by the U.S Bureau of Statistics found that Americans are spending more time in the office than anywhere else. As a result, germs and bacteria can quickly spread in the office environment. It is important to maintain proper hygiene in the office to prevent the spread of illnesses and germs. Professional janitorial and office maintenance services can help ensure that your office remains clean and hygienic.
Frequent Hand-washing
One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs is frequent hand-washing. This should be done before eating, after using the restroom, or any time you come into contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated with germs. To properly wash your hands:
- Wet your hands with warm water.
- Apply soap to your hands.
- Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds.
- Rinse your hands under running water.
- Dry your hands with a paper towel or air dryer.
Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is also an effective way to reduce germs on your hands when soap and water are not available.
Cleaning Surfaces Regularly
Germs can easily spread from one surface to another if they are not regularly cleaned and disinfected. It is important to wipe down commonly touched surfaces such as desks, keyboards, mice, telephones, refrigerator handles, door knobs and other areas in order to reduce germ build up. Disinfectant wipes or sprays should be used on surfaces as often as possible and allowed to air dry before being used again. For added protection, consider using disposable gloves when cleaning surfaces.
Proper Food Storage Practices
Food stored in refrigerators or microwaves can quickly become contaminated with germs if not stored properly. All food items should be sealed tightly and labeled with date stamps so that employees know when it was prepared or purchased. Leftovers should be discarded after two days of storage even if they appear safe for consumption as bacteria can quickly multiply in food items left out for extended periods of time. Additionally, all food containers should be washed thoroughly before being reused for different meals or snacks.
Professional Janitorial Services
Hiring professional janitorial services can help keep your office clean and free from germs on a regular basis. A professional cleaning service will use specialized equipment such as vacuums, mops, and dusters to remove dirt and debris from all areas of the office including hard-to-reach places such as ceiling corners and window sills where dust can accumulate over time. They will also use anti-bacterial solutions on all surfaces which will help kill off any existing bacteria or viruses that could potentially cause illness among employees or visitors. In addition, these services will provide regular maintenance tasks such as emptying trash cans, mopping floors, polishing furniture, cleaning windows and other duties required for a clean workspace environment.
The average keyboard has over 3,000 germs per square inch while telephones have more than 25,000 germs per square inch—it’s no wonder why maintaining proper hygiene in an office setting is so important! By following simple steps such as frequent hand-washing; cleaning all surfaces regularly; practicing proper food storage practices; and hiring professional janitorial services; you can help protect yourself from getting sick due to exposure to harmful germs in the workplace!
The spread of germs and bacteria in the office can have a serious impact on the health of employees and visitors. It is important to maintain proper hygiene in the office to prevent the spread of illnesses and germs. professional janitorial services are an effective way to ensure that your office remains clean and hygienic. At Lutes Property Services, our team of experienced professionals can help you keep your office environment safe by providing top-notch janitorial services, emergency services, construction, repairs, renovations, and much more. Contact us today for all your commercial-building needs.